Svetskommissionen är en teknisk branschorganisation för fogande industri. Vi jobbar med standardisering, forskning och utbildning. Svetskommissionens viktigaste uppgift är att verka för våra medlemmars intressen.

Ändringar i ISO 15614-1:2004

Dessa ändringar har tillförts ISO 15614-1:2004

Page 6, Figure 3

In the drawing, delete the (lowest horizontal) label for the front edge width, “b", insert “a".

Page 16, 7.5

Delete “EN 25817", insert “ISO 5817".
Delete the text after the colon and the NOTE, and insert “excess convexity, excess throat thickness and excessive penetration and incorrect weld toe, for which level C shall apply. The requirement u 0,05 t does not apply for undercut. Undercut shall be u 0,5 mm. Angular misalignment is not applicable for the welding procedure test.
Note: The correlation between the quality levels of ISO 5817 and the acceptance levels of the different NDT techniques are given in EN 12062."

Page 17, 8.1

Delete “Clause 7", insert “Clause 8".

Page 17, 8.3.1

Insert the following sentence immediately before the NOTE:
“Permanent backing material shall be considered as a parent metal within the approval (sub-)group."

Page 18, Table 3, column 2, row 11

Against “8-8", delete “8c", insert “8b".

Pages 23 and 24:,,

Delete (six times) “EN 439", insert (six times) “ISO 14175".

Page 24,

Delete “qualified", insert “used in the test".


Senast ändrad av: Sonja di Gleria


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